Nutrition Facts
3 servings
A tender, flavorful, and aromatic meat.
Generously brush the fillets with mustard, wrap them in thin slices of smoked bacon (tightly) and season with pepper. Place them in a baking dish, sprinkle fresh thyme over the fillets, and add 100 ml of liquid cream.
Place in the oven at 200° for 25 minutes, more or less depending on your oven, basting with cream from time to time. The pieces should be nicely browned.
To finish, serve with a small potato and onion gratin.
Generously brush the fillets with mustard, wrap them in thin slices of smoked bacon (tightly) and season with pepper. Place them in a baking dish, sprinkle fresh thyme over the fillets, and add 100 ml of liquid cream.
Place in the oven at 200° for 25 minutes, more or less depending on your oven, basting with cream from time to time. The pieces should be nicely browned.
To finish, serve with a small potato and onion gratin.
3 servings
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