Nutrition Facts
6 servings
An imminent craving for a little chocolate treat, but not just that... it also needed some crunch that bites well! Paired with a few strawberries, it's the best snack!!!
Melt the chocolate. Add the praline and mix well.
Pour the crispy muesli. Spread everything on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
To finish, break roughly and enjoy with family, friends, for a snack, coffee, or simply out of indulgence!
Melt the chocolate. Add the praline and mix well.
Pour the crispy muesli. Spread everything on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
To finish, break roughly and enjoy with family, friends, for a snack, coffee, or simply out of indulgence!
6 servings
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