Nutrition Facts
6 servings
To try: this recipe for beef pie with cranberries.
Peel the carrots, garlic, and onion. Remove the stems and rinse the mushrooms.
Cut the carrots into dice, slice the onion, and chop the garlic. Slice the mushrooms.
Flour the meat, removing any excess flour if needed.
In a pot, sauté the carrots, mushrooms, onion, and garlic for 2 minutes.
Add the floured meat, mix, and sauté for 1 minute. Add the salt and sugar, mix, and sauté for 1 minute.
Moisten with beer and season with pepper, thyme, and coriander. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat. Cover when the beer has stopped foaming. Cook the beef stew for 1.5 hours. Allow to cool completely.
Preheat the oven to 200°C with fan.
Pour the meat into a deep pie dish and cover with puff pastry. Trim and decorate the pastry.
Brush the pastry with egg, refrigerate for 10 minutes. Brush a second time and bake the pie for 20 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.
To finish, serve immediately with a green salad.
Peel the carrots, garlic, and onion. Remove the stems and rinse the mushrooms.
Cut the carrots into dice, slice the onion, and chop the garlic. Slice the mushrooms.
Flour the meat, removing any excess flour if needed.
In a pot, sauté the carrots, mushrooms, onion, and garlic for 2 minutes.
Add the floured meat, mix, and sauté for 1 minute. Add the salt and sugar, mix, and sauté for 1 minute.
Moisten with beer and season with pepper, thyme, and coriander. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat. Cover when the beer has stopped foaming. Cook the beef stew for 1.5 hours. Allow to cool completely.
Preheat the oven to 200°C with fan.
Pour the meat into a deep pie dish and cover with puff pastry. Trim and decorate the pastry.
Brush the pastry with egg, refrigerate for 10 minutes. Brush a second time and bake the pie for 20 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.
To finish, serve immediately with a green salad.
6 servings
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