Nutrition Facts
2 servings
Recommended side dish: homemade potato gratin (plain or pilaf rice).
Preparation of pork tenderloin Cook the pork tenderloin in a pan for 8 to 10 minutes with a lid. Let it rest on a cutting board.
Seasoning Add the chopped onions and the apricots
Deglazing Deglaze with cider and add cream.
Reduction Let it reduce for 5 to 10 minutes over low heat to obtain a creamy sauce. Add the 2 tablespoons of olive oil at the end of cooking.
Grilling Cut the tenderloin into one-centimeter thick slices and grill them, flipping back and forth to sear.
Arrange the slices in a fan shape on a plate and drizzle with sauce.
Preparation of pork tenderloin Cook the pork tenderloin in a pan for 8 to 10 minutes with a lid. Let it rest on a cutting board.
Seasoning Add the chopped onions and the apricots
Deglazing Deglaze with cider and add cream.
Reduction Let it reduce for 5 to 10 minutes over low heat to obtain a creamy sauce. Add the 2 tablespoons of olive oil at the end of cooking.
Grilling Cut the tenderloin into one-centimeter thick slices and grill them, flipping back and forth to sear.
Arrange the slices in a fan shape on a plate and drizzle with sauce.
2 servings
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