Nutrition Facts
4 servings
Enjoy this roasted chicken filet recipe with cider. Very easy to prepare and budget-friendly, this recipe is ideally served with pasta or a potato gratin.
Peel and chop the shallots.
In a saucepan, sauté them with butter and a dash of olive oil for 3 minutes.
Add the cider and let it reduce by half.
Off the heat, add the cold butter, mix, and keep warm.
In a pan, sear the chicken fillets in olive oil for 3 minutes on each side, then continue cooking on low heat and covered for 10 minutes, flipping them regularly.
Season with salt and pepper, then off the heat, deglaze with apple cider vinegar.
In a small skillet, brown the slices without any added fat.
Arrange the fillets on a dish or on a plate.
Top them with slices of grilled sausage, then pour the sauce.
To finish, sprinkle with chervil sprouts and serve immediately with a crushed potato dish.
Peel and chop the shallots.
In a saucepan, sauté them with butter and a dash of olive oil for 3 minutes.
Add the cider and let it reduce by half.
Off the heat, add the cold butter, mix, and keep warm.
In a pan, sear the chicken fillets in olive oil for 3 minutes on each side, then continue cooking on low heat and covered for 10 minutes, flipping them regularly.
Season with salt and pepper, then off the heat, deglaze with apple cider vinegar.
In a small skillet, brown the slices without any added fat.
Arrange the fillets on a dish or on a plate.
Top them with slices of grilled sausage, then pour the sauce.
To finish, sprinkle with chervil sprouts and serve immediately with a crushed potato dish.
4 servings
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