Nutrition Facts
6 servings
Discover this recipe for upside-down turnip tart. Very original, this sweet and savory dish is a delight for the taste buds.
Preparation of turnips: Peel a dozen assorted turnips and cut them into quarters. To eliminate bitterness, place them in a bowl with salt and sugar and let them drain for about 30 minutes.
Preparation of the dough Meanwhile, roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 3 mm and set aside in the refrigerator.
Preparation of the caramel: Make a caramel with 50 g of acacia honey in a non-stick deep pan or a sauté pan. When it turns golden, deglaze with 10 cl of white wine vinegar and let it reduce. Then add 75 g of butter to create an emulsion.
Cooking Rinse and drain the turnips, then arrange them in a rosette in the pan, alternating the colors. Place the puff pastry on the turnips and fold the edges inward into the pan. Prick the surface of the pastry and bake for 50 minutes at 170 °C.
Let cool before unmolding, then serve.
Preparation of turnips: Peel a dozen assorted turnips and cut them into quarters. To eliminate bitterness, place them in a bowl with salt and sugar and let them drain for about 30 minutes.
Preparation of the dough Meanwhile, roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 3 mm and set aside in the refrigerator.
Preparation of the caramel: Make a caramel with 50 g of acacia honey in a non-stick deep pan or a sauté pan. When it turns golden, deglaze with 10 cl of white wine vinegar and let it reduce. Then add 75 g of butter to create an emulsion.
Cooking Rinse and drain the turnips, then arrange them in a rosette in the pan, alternating the colors. Place the puff pastry on the turnips and fold the edges inward into the pan. Prick the surface of the pastry and bake for 50 minutes at 170 °C.
Let cool before unmolding, then serve.
6 servings
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