Nutrition Facts
4 servings
Smoked salmon and its companion, leek.
Cut the leek in half lengthwise. Wash it and slice it very finely.
In a saucepan, sweat the leek gently in butter. After 5 minutes, season with fine salt, pepper, and a pinch of curry. Pour in the liquid cream and let it cook gently until you achieve a leek compote. Check the seasoning and cool in the refrigerator.
In a small bowl, mix plain yogurt, the juice of half a lemon, a pinch of curry, and fine salt. Reserve your sauce in the refrigerator.
Assembly of salmon rolls: First, lay a piece of plastic wrap on your work surface. You need about 30 cm by 30 cm of wrap. Place two slices of smoked salmon side by side. Fill with well-chilled leek cream.
Roll the slices of smoked salmon into a ballotin using plastic wrap.
Tie a knot at each end of the roll and leave it in the cold for about 1 hour so that the logs become firm and easy to cut.
To finish, Plating: in the plates, add the yogurt sauce, cut the smoked salmon into quarters, and arrange them on your plates. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and a touch of greenery.
Cut the leek in half lengthwise. Wash it and slice it very finely.
In a saucepan, sweat the leek gently in butter. After 5 minutes, season with fine salt, pepper, and a pinch of curry. Pour in the liquid cream and let it cook gently until you achieve a leek compote. Check the seasoning and cool in the refrigerator.
In a small bowl, mix plain yogurt, the juice of half a lemon, a pinch of curry, and fine salt. Reserve your sauce in the refrigerator.
Assembly of salmon rolls: First, lay a piece of plastic wrap on your work surface. You need about 30 cm by 30 cm of wrap. Place two slices of smoked salmon side by side. Fill with well-chilled leek cream.
Roll the slices of smoked salmon into a ballotin using plastic wrap.
Tie a knot at each end of the roll and leave it in the cold for about 1 hour so that the logs become firm and easy to cut.
To finish, Plating: in the plates, add the yogurt sauce, cut the smoked salmon into quarters, and arrange them on your plates. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and a touch of greenery.
4 servings
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