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8 servings
A borage flower butter, what a delight in addition to being very pretty when sliced. The borage flower has a taste of the sea, reminiscent of oysters, and on a slice of bread, it is absolutely delicious. The borage leaves have a flavor similar to cucumber. I tried it with a bit of salmon, divine, just like with seafood.
Preparation of borage flowers. Remove the petals from the flowers. Chop them roughly.
Shaping the butter. Then add the flower petals to the softened butter. Mix everything well. Shape it into a log. Wrap it in plastic wrap. Refrigerate. I tested it with a bit of salmon, divine just like with seafood.
Preparation of borage flowers. Remove the petals from the flowers. Chop them roughly.
Shaping the butter. Then add the flower petals to the softened butter. Mix everything well. Shape it into a log. Wrap it in plastic wrap. Refrigerate. I tested it with a bit of salmon, divine just like with seafood.
8 servings
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