Nutrition Facts
2 servings
Surprise your guests with this sparkling recipe for passion salad and mini-delights. Easy to make, delicious, and rich in flavors, this recipe will delight your taste buds!
Wash the endives and cut off the base to use the leaves as small cups.
Peel the grapefruit and cut the sections to retrieve the segments.
Chop the coriander.
Fill each container with the pieces of grapefruit, coconut shavings, and chopped coriander leaves.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds and drizzle a dressing over the filled plate.
To finish, cut the mini cake diagonally to form a heart and place it on the plate.
Wash the endives and cut off the base to use the leaves as small cups.
Peel the grapefruit and cut the sections to retrieve the segments.
Chop the coriander.
Fill each container with the pieces of grapefruit, coconut shavings, and chopped coriander leaves.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds and drizzle a dressing over the filled plate.
To finish, cut the mini cake diagonally to form a heart and place it on the plate.
2 servings
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