Cucumber pyramids with crab crumbs recipe


These pyramids are actually small cucumber mousses shaped in fresh goat cheese packaging. Any other mold, besides pyramids, is obviously suitable. With a bit of crab meat and dill, it's a light and very fresh appetizer.

Yields4 Servings
Prep Time30 minsCook Time1 minTotal Time31 mins
 1 Cucumber
 ½ Coarse sea salt
 270 True Greek yogurt
 1 Garlic powder
 1 Crab crumbs
 8 Powdered gelatin
 10 Dill

Preparation Peel the cucumber, cut it into four lengthwise, remove the central seed strip, and dice the flesh in a bowl. Mix in the coarse salt and let it drain for 2 hours. Open the can of crab meat and drain it during this time as well. Rinse the cucumber in a strainer under cold water to remove the salt and let it drain for about 1 hour over a container to collect the water.


Blend the cucumber with the Greek yogurt (or 3 small cheese servings) and the fresh cheese (to season the mixture slightly). Boil 5 cl of the last cucumber water in a small saucepan and whisk in the gelatin vigorously with a small whisk. Remove from heat. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the cucumber mixture and blend again. Finely chop half of the dill, add pepper, sprinkle in the dried garlic, and mix into the preparation.


Formation of the pyramids: Distribute a third of this mixture into the bottom of pyramid-shaped molds (or others). Place in the freezer for fifteen minutes. When the flan mixture is almost set, spread half of the crab crumbs on top, pour another third of the cucumber mixture, and return to the freezer. Finally, finish with the remaining crab crumbs and cover with the cucumber mixture. Place in the freezer for one hour before covering these small flans and refrigerating for 8 hours.


Unmolding and plating Run a knife around the edges of the mold, quickly place the small flans in a hot water bath, and unmold onto individual plates. Sprinkle with the remaining dill.


 1 Cucumber
 ½ Coarse sea salt
 270 True Greek yogurt
 1 Garlic powder
 1 Crab crumbs
 8 Powdered gelatin
 10 Dill



Preparation Peel the cucumber, cut it into four lengthwise, remove the central seed strip, and dice the flesh in a bowl. Mix in the coarse salt and let it drain for 2 hours. Open the can of crab meat and drain it during this time as well. Rinse the cucumber in a strainer under cold water to remove the salt and let it drain for about 1 hour over a container to collect the water.


Blend the cucumber with the Greek yogurt (or 3 small cheese servings) and the fresh cheese (to season the mixture slightly). Boil 5 cl of the last cucumber water in a small saucepan and whisk in the gelatin vigorously with a small whisk. Remove from heat. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the cucumber mixture and blend again. Finely chop half of the dill, add pepper, sprinkle in the dried garlic, and mix into the preparation.


Formation of the pyramids: Distribute a third of this mixture into the bottom of pyramid-shaped molds (or others). Place in the freezer for fifteen minutes. When the flan mixture is almost set, spread half of the crab crumbs on top, pour another third of the cucumber mixture, and return to the freezer. Finally, finish with the remaining crab crumbs and cover with the cucumber mixture. Place in the freezer for one hour before covering these small flans and refrigerating for 8 hours.


Unmolding and plating Run a knife around the edges of the mold, quickly place the small flans in a hot water bath, and unmold onto individual plates. Sprinkle with the remaining dill.


Cucumber pyramids with crab crumbs recipe

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Nutrition Facts

4 servings

Serving size


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