Nutrition Facts
1 servings
A recipe for a vitamin-boosted milkshake that children will really enjoy because it will help them wake up feeling great!
Blend together the milk, ice cream, and kiwis in a blender. Serve chilled in a cup.
In conclusion, the nutritional benefits of the recipe: a vitamin-packed milkshake that children will love as it helps them wake up feeling great! Kiwi is one of the fruits highest in vitamin C, while whole milk is rich in vitamin D. This combination helps combat physical and mental fatigue, allowing one to stay energetic throughout the day. Calcium is better absorbed with the addition of vitamin D. This pairing strengthens the skeleton and contributes to children's growth. As for whole milk, it is beneficial for children as it provides healthy fats necessary for their metabolic development.
Blend together the milk, ice cream, and kiwis in a blender. Serve chilled in a cup.
In conclusion, the nutritional benefits of the recipe: a vitamin-packed milkshake that children will love as it helps them wake up feeling great! Kiwi is one of the fruits highest in vitamin C, while whole milk is rich in vitamin D. This combination helps combat physical and mental fatigue, allowing one to stay energetic throughout the day. Calcium is better absorbed with the addition of vitamin D. This pairing strengthens the skeleton and contributes to children's growth. As for whole milk, it is beneficial for children as it provides healthy fats necessary for their metabolic development.
1 servings
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