Nutrition Facts
4 servings
Craving some freshness? Try this beetroot carpaccio recipe. A seasonal starter that's a delight!
Rinse the beets. Cut off the stem and peel them.
Using a mandoline or a sharp knife, cut very thin slices and place them on each plate.
Wash the mint and chop it into the plates. Add the lamb's lettuce and crumbled feta. Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator.
To finish, before serving, add your washed edible flowers and crushed nuts.
Rinse the beets. Cut off the stem and peel them.
Using a mandoline or a sharp knife, cut very thin slices and place them on each plate.
Wash the mint and chop it into the plates. Add the lamb's lettuce and crumbled feta. Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator.
To finish, before serving, add your washed edible flowers and crushed nuts.
4 servings
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