Recipe for Peach, Strawberry, and Raspberry Soup
This refreshing dessert is perfect at the end of a summer meal. You can also serve it with some almond cookies.
This refreshing dessert is perfect at the end of a summer meal. You can also serve it with some almond cookies.
Today I suggest a delicious treat for snack time. A revisited version with pistachio of chocolate sausage. A dessert that is easy to make and requires few ingredients for its preparation.
It’s not always easy to have cookies that are both soft and crunchy. This chocolate and hazelnut cookie recipe is proof that it’s possible.
Gluten-free and dairy-free Yule log, delicious and light. Perfect for intolerances and allergies.
I am diabetic but have a sweet tooth, so I am always looking for tips to lighten my treats.
This banana bread recipe with hazelnut spread.
This recipe for berry crumble with parmesan cheese is provided by parmesan cheese.
Today I offer you plum muffins. They are super moist and literally melt in your mouth. If you don’t have plums, you can replace them with fruits of your choice or chocolate chips.
Try this delicious recipe for cream puffs with chocolate mousse.
Recipe idea with garden figs.
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