Gourmet Coffee Recipe, Vanilla Cream Puff
Craving a sweet break or a little treat with your coffee? Discover this vanilla cream puff recipe that will perfectly complement your coffee.
Craving a sweet break or a little treat with your coffee? Discover this vanilla cream puff recipe that will perfectly complement your coffee.
A recipe that will reconcile you with Brussels sprouts. Perfect for the first chill of the season.
A recipe for strawberry charlotte, vanilla bavarian cream, and pink biscuits made by Pascal Ferrat, pastry teacher at the Gustave Eiffel Vocational High School. Get your cooking gear ready!
This refreshing appetizer of smoked salmon and zucchini flavored with hyssop flower reminds us of spring.
A beautiful terrine made with melted cheese and thin slices of cheese, wild mushrooms, and hazelnuts. The terrine is surrounded by Swiss chard leaves for a nice effect when unmolding. The slices of terrine are served with pickled carrots and black radishes.
Today I present to you a vegetarian recipe to showcase broccoli. An appetizer or a starter, easy to prepare, to make broccoli enjoyable for those who are reluctant. It’s delicious and light.
Learn to make the floral cocktail Mantuano Cobbler Flower.
Mango/Passion Fruit Bavarian Delight on Coconut Sponge Cake
Very easy recipe for Christmas sweets. Chocolate sweets have a religious origin. The four sweets (the poor, the rich, good and evil). Small Christmas treats, these sweets are part of the Provençal tradition and its thirteen desserts.
Here is a log with praline and praline filling. It is fairly simple in its composition: a rolled sponge cake, a praline mousse, and praline for garnish. But it is so delicious! It’s crunchy, melting, indulgent.
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