Nutrition Facts
2 servings
Shrimp flavored with rum and vanilla, an explosion of flavors in the mouth. There’s nothing like it to elevate them and take the taste buds on a journey.
Remove the shells from the shrimp, keeping the tails. Season with salt and pepper. Add the rum and 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract. Split the vanilla pod.
Crush the ginger with a pestle to make a paste or grate it. Add the ginger paste, the vanilla pod, and the rest of the marinade to the pan. Stir-fry everything for 2 minutes.
To finish, serve with turmeric rice and enjoy, a delightful journey.
Remove the shells from the shrimp, keeping the tails. Season with salt and pepper. Add the rum and 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract. Split the vanilla pod.
Crush the ginger with a pestle to make a paste or grate it. Add the ginger paste, the vanilla pod, and the rest of the marinade to the pan. Stir-fry everything for 2 minutes.
To finish, serve with turmeric rice and enjoy, a delightful journey.
2 servings
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