Nutrition Facts
6 servings
I have wanted to make my own sausages for a long time, a real challenge that was important to me. Moreover, since I got my meat grinder, I don’t even buy ground meat anymore; I make it myself, and it’s a delight. To find the right mix, I had to be patient and conduct research online, gathering information from those around me. I finally found my happiness. I owe this version to several people, so a big thank you to all!
Start by rinsing the casings in warm water (if using dried versions, soak them for an hour or longer). Chop the meats using a grinder intended for sausages. Mix the spices with the oil in a bowl to make a paste. Add the paste to the meat and knead with your hands to ensure the spices penetrate the meat. Slide a casing onto the cone of the meat grinder or the end of a funnel and stuff the casings, pushing with a pusher or your fingers (only if using a funnel; do not use your hands when operating a grinder). Tie them every ten to fifteen centimeters; I had some difficulty because my funnel was not really suitable and caused holes, so I stuffed my casings in batches rather than all at once. It is preferable to let the sausages rest overnight in the refrigerator.
To finish
Start by rinsing the casings in warm water (if using dried versions, soak them for an hour or longer). Chop the meats using a grinder intended for sausages. Mix the spices with the oil in a bowl to make a paste. Add the paste to the meat and knead with your hands to ensure the spices penetrate the meat. Slide a casing onto the cone of the meat grinder or the end of a funnel and stuff the casings, pushing with a pusher or your fingers (only if using a funnel; do not use your hands when operating a grinder). Tie them every ten to fifteen centimeters; I had some difficulty because my funnel was not really suitable and caused holes, so I stuffed my casings in batches rather than all at once. It is preferable to let the sausages rest overnight in the refrigerator.
To finish
6 servings
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