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4 servings
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Sear the pancetta cubes over high heat, without any fat in a large pot, deglaze with beer.
Add the sliced chicory and cook for a few minutes at a good boil to evaporate the alcohol.
Cook the pasta with salt and a drizzle of olive oil. Drain it.
Add the cream, the parmesan, salt, and pepper to the sauce.
Reheat the pasta in the sauce and add an egg yolk off the heat.
To finish, serve immediately.
Sear the pancetta cubes over high heat, without any fat in a large pot, deglaze with beer.
Add the sliced chicory and cook for a few minutes at a good boil to evaporate the alcohol.
Cook the pasta with salt and a drizzle of olive oil. Drain it.
Add the cream, the parmesan, salt, and pepper to the sauce.
Reheat the pasta in the sauce and add an egg yolk off the heat.
To finish, serve immediately.
4 servings
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