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4 servings
Discover this recipe for whole grain pancakes in unique colors.
Remove the stems and wash the spinach. In a blender, combine the drained spinach, milk, and egg.
Season with salt and pepper and blend until a smooth paste is obtained.
Without stopping the blender, gradually add the flour through the opening in the lid.
In a pre-oiled hot pan, pour a small ladle of batter and spread it out.
After a good minute of cooking, break the egg, sprinkle with a little grated cheese and ham.
Let it cook for a few minutes and place the pancake on a plate. Prepare the other 3 pancakes in the same way.
To finish, serve as soon as the pancakes are ready and enjoy with spinach leaves and a flavorful, balanced cider.
Remove the stems and wash the spinach. In a blender, combine the drained spinach, milk, and egg.
Season with salt and pepper and blend until a smooth paste is obtained.
Without stopping the blender, gradually add the flour through the opening in the lid.
In a pre-oiled hot pan, pour a small ladle of batter and spread it out.
After a good minute of cooking, break the egg, sprinkle with a little grated cheese and ham.
Let it cook for a few minutes and place the pancake on a plate. Prepare the other 3 pancakes in the same way.
To finish, serve as soon as the pancakes are ready and enjoy with spinach leaves and a flavorful, balanced cider.
4 servings
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