Nutrition Facts
4 servings
This recipe for veal tartare, green asparagus, and clams is provided by a veal producer. Photo credit: a veal producer / Amélie Roche.
Cut the raw veal into small cubes and slice the mushrooms very thinly. Using a peeler, make tagliatelle from the asparagus, then add the whole clams.
Mix. Add the finely chopped shallots and chives.
Mix gently again, then place in the refrigerator.
Two hours before serving, and not more to avoid overcooking the veal, mix all the ingredients (sesame, pine nuts, dressing, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, soy sauce, lemon, and chives) with the veal and clam tartare.
To finish, decorate with small croutons, mushroom slices, and a bit of chives.
Cut the raw veal into small cubes and slice the mushrooms very thinly. Using a peeler, make tagliatelle from the asparagus, then add the whole clams.
Mix. Add the finely chopped shallots and chives.
Mix gently again, then place in the refrigerator.
Two hours before serving, and not more to avoid overcooking the veal, mix all the ingredients (sesame, pine nuts, dressing, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, soy sauce, lemon, and chives) with the veal and clam tartare.
To finish, decorate with small croutons, mushroom slices, and a bit of chives.
4 servings
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