Nutrition Facts
4 servings
Discover this recipe for veal with tomato sauce and mushrooms. Tender veal, lightly tomato-flavored in an easy and quick recipe that will please everyone!
Ingredient Preparation Cut the veal into large cubes. Set aside. Clean the mushrooms and slice them thickly. Set aside. Peel the onion and chop it finely. Wash the tomato, then cut it into large cubes.
Cooking In a skillet, add the veal and brown over high heat without any fat. Season with salt and pepper. Add the onions and mix.
Preparation of the sauce In a bowl, reconstitute the veal stock with veal stock and hot water. Add the tomato paste. Mix well.
Simmer Pour un bouillon sur la viande. Ajouter les champignons et la tomate. Saler, poivrer. Laisser mijoter 10 minutes. Servir avec des pâtes fraîches, du basilic frais finement haché et du parmesan à disposition.
Ingredient Preparation Cut the veal into large cubes. Set aside. Clean the mushrooms and slice them thickly. Set aside. Peel the onion and chop it finely. Wash the tomato, then cut it into large cubes.
Cooking In a skillet, add the veal and brown over high heat without any fat. Season with salt and pepper. Add the onions and mix.
Preparation of the sauce In a bowl, reconstitute the veal stock with veal stock and hot water. Add the tomato paste. Mix well.
Simmer Pour un bouillon sur la viande. Ajouter les champignons et la tomate. Saler, poivrer. Laisser mijoter 10 minutes. Servir avec des pâtes fraîches, du basilic frais finement haché et du parmesan à disposition.
4 servings
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