Nutrition Facts
6 servings
This recipe for a two-color rolled cake with hazelnut spread is provided by a well-known brand.
Preheat the oven to 200°. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. In the bowl of a mixer or with a hand mixer, whisk the egg yolks, sugar, and salt until the mixture lightens in color. Then quickly add the vegetable oil.
Sift together the flour, cornstarch, and baking powder, then fold them into the first mixture.
Whip the egg whites until they have a foamy texture (firm but not too stiff, otherwise it will be difficult to incorporate without breaking the air bubbles). Energetically fold in a quarter of the whipped egg whites into the first mixture to loosen it. Then, gently fold in the remaining egg whites gradually using a spatula.
Divide the mixture in half. Gently add 20g of flour and 1 tsp of vanilla to one half. Add 20g of cocoa powder to the other half. Transfer the vanilla mixture and the cocoa mixture into 2 separate piping bags.
Place a sheet of parchment paper on a 30x40cm baking tray. Alternate piping lines of each preparation across the width of the tray to cover the entire surface.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes at 200° until the cookie is just golden. Immediately place a sheet of baking paper on top and flip it over without burning yourself. Carefully remove the baking paper stuck to the cookie.
Flip the biscuit over again and spread chocolate hazelnut spread over the entire surface of the biscuit. Immediately roll the biscuit tightly in the direction of the stripes. Wrap the resulting roll in parchment paper and let it rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
To finish, after one hour, you can cut nice slices of 1.5 cm thick from your two-colored rolled cake to reveal beautiful spirals.
Preheat the oven to 200°. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. In the bowl of a mixer or with a hand mixer, whisk the egg yolks, sugar, and salt until the mixture lightens in color. Then quickly add the vegetable oil.
Sift together the flour, cornstarch, and baking powder, then fold them into the first mixture.
Whip the egg whites until they have a foamy texture (firm but not too stiff, otherwise it will be difficult to incorporate without breaking the air bubbles). Energetically fold in a quarter of the whipped egg whites into the first mixture to loosen it. Then, gently fold in the remaining egg whites gradually using a spatula.
Divide the mixture in half. Gently add 20g of flour and 1 tsp of vanilla to one half. Add 20g of cocoa powder to the other half. Transfer the vanilla mixture and the cocoa mixture into 2 separate piping bags.
Place a sheet of parchment paper on a 30x40cm baking tray. Alternate piping lines of each preparation across the width of the tray to cover the entire surface.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes at 200° until the cookie is just golden. Immediately place a sheet of baking paper on top and flip it over without burning yourself. Carefully remove the baking paper stuck to the cookie.
Flip the biscuit over again and spread chocolate hazelnut spread over the entire surface of the biscuit. Immediately roll the biscuit tightly in the direction of the stripes. Wrap the resulting roll in parchment paper and let it rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
To finish, after one hour, you can cut nice slices of 1.5 cm thick from your two-colored rolled cake to reveal beautiful spirals.
6 servings
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