Nutrition Facts
2 servings
Don't know how to cook Swiss chard? Here is an easy recipe for sautéed Swiss chard with garlic and parsley (you should first cook the fresh Swiss chard in water or steam). You can add a bit of cream, mushrooms, and bacon for a complete and flavorful dish.
Preparation of Swiss chard: Remove the green leaves from the chard and cut the white stems into small pieces of about 4 cm.
Steam cooking the chard Cook in a steamer for about 30 minutes (or in water).
Preparation of sautéed Swiss chard: Chop the garlic clove. Take the small bunch of parsley and mince it.
In a pan, add a bit of olive oil, then add the chard, garlic, and parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
To finish, mix and let it warm gently.
Preparation of Swiss chard: Remove the green leaves from the chard and cut the white stems into small pieces of about 4 cm.
Steam cooking the chard Cook in a steamer for about 30 minutes (or in water).
Preparation of sautéed Swiss chard: Chop the garlic clove. Take the small bunch of parsley and mince it.
In a pan, add a bit of olive oil, then add the chard, garlic, and parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
To finish, mix and let it warm gently.
2 servings
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