Nutrition Facts
6 servings
This crustless quiche can be enjoyed hot or cold, paired with a salad. You can vary the seasonings by adding fresh basil!
Rinse the endives, remove the bases, cut them in half lengthwise, and finely slice them. Peel the onion and slice it.
In a skillet, melt the butter over low heat, then add the chopped onion and endives. Let them cook, stirring regularly for 15 minutes. Add a bit of water if the vegetables stick.
Preheat the oven to 210°C.
In a bowl, mix the eggs and cornstarch. Add the cream and milk, then the herbs, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Set aside.
Slice the goat cheese into even rounds. Set aside.
In a previously greased tart pan, arrange the endives and onions, then the slices of goat cheese. Pour the cream mixture over and evenly distribute the grated cheese.
To finish, bake for about 40 minutes, watching the color regularly. If it colors too quickly, cover with aluminum foil to complete the cooking.
Rinse the endives, remove the bases, cut them in half lengthwise, and finely slice them. Peel the onion and slice it.
In a skillet, melt the butter over low heat, then add the chopped onion and endives. Let them cook, stirring regularly for 15 minutes. Add a bit of water if the vegetables stick.
Preheat the oven to 210°C.
In a bowl, mix the eggs and cornstarch. Add the cream and milk, then the herbs, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Set aside.
Slice the goat cheese into even rounds. Set aside.
In a previously greased tart pan, arrange the endives and onions, then the slices of goat cheese. Pour the cream mixture over and evenly distribute the grated cheese.
To finish, bake for about 40 minutes, watching the color regularly. If it colors too quickly, cover with aluminum foil to complete the cooking.
6 servings
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