Nutrition Facts
1 servings
A natural snack, convenient for school lunch, cut into pieces. You can make the snack with almost any fruit. It works very well with strawberries or apples.
Preparation of the candy Blend the raspberries into a puree. Add the lemon juice and honey and mix well.
Cooking Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Spread the mixture on the parchment paper (about 0.5 cm thick). Put the tray in the oven at about 60 °C (maximum 75 °C) for about 3 hours. The candy is ready when the raspberries no longer stick to your fingertips, but it is still flexible. Let it cool. If it is too moist, return it to the oven.
Preparation of the candy Blend the raspberries into a puree. Add the lemon juice and honey and mix well.
Cooking Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Spread the mixture on the parchment paper (about 0.5 cm thick). Put the tray in the oven at about 60 °C (maximum 75 °C) for about 3 hours. The candy is ready when the raspberries no longer stick to your fingertips, but it is still flexible. Let it cool. If it is too moist, return it to the oven.
1 servings
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