Nutrition Facts
8 servings
Here is the complete recipe for almond baklava, perfect for all occasions and celebrations, as it delights a good number of people.
In a bowl, place the flour. Add the sugar, salt, and butter. Work and knead the mixture, adding enough water to obtain a smooth dough.
On a floured work surface, roll out the dough into a rectangle. In the middle, place the butter and then fold the two sides of the dough over the butter. Roll the dough out again into a rectangle with a rolling pin. Then fold it into thirds to create a turn.
Repeat the operation 2 times, then set aside. Blend the almonds, add the melted butter, gum arabic, and enough orange flower water to obtain a smooth almond paste.
To finish, divide the puff pastry into two. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, roll out the first rectangle of dough, evenly spread almond paste over it, and cover with the second half of the puff pastry. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Cut the filled rectangle into squares of 2 cm on each side. In the center of each square, pierce an almond.
In a bowl, place the flour. Add the sugar, salt, and butter. Work and knead the mixture, adding enough water to obtain a smooth dough.
On a floured work surface, roll out the dough into a rectangle. In the middle, place the butter and then fold the two sides of the dough over the butter. Roll the dough out again into a rectangle with a rolling pin. Then fold it into thirds to create a turn.
Repeat the operation 2 times, then set aside. Blend the almonds, add the melted butter, gum arabic, and enough orange flower water to obtain a smooth almond paste.
To finish, divide the puff pastry into two. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, roll out the first rectangle of dough, evenly spread almond paste over it, and cover with the second half of the puff pastry. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Cut the filled rectangle into squares of 2 cm on each side. In the center of each square, pierce an almond.
8 servings
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