Nutrition Facts
4 servings
Travel to Italy by enjoying these bread and vegetable meatballs served with a creamy asparagus sauce.
Asparagus cream: Cut the tips off the asparagus, quickly sauté them in a pan and set aside. Coarsely chop the stalks and sauté them for a few minutes in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, a bit of Sichuan pepper, and a clove of garlic. Add water and cream, and cook until the asparagus is tender. Then add the feta and blend until you achieve a creamy texture. Strain the asparagus cream to eliminate any fibers, adjust the seasoning, and set aside.
Spinach asparagus dumplings: Cut the stale bread into small pieces, roughly blend half of this bread with wild garlic and the spinach. Mix the unblended bread with the blended bread mixture and the milk, cover, and let rest for 30 minutes.
Then add the olives and chopped onion, the parmesan, salt, and the egg, mix well, then finish with the flour and cornstarch. Bring the broth to a boil in a large pot. While the water is boiling, prepare a plate with flour for rolling the balls.
Regarding the texture of the mixture, the balls should hold their shape well; they will slightly deflate once formed, but when cooked, they will round out and puff up a bit. It is therefore advisable to do a cooking test and then, if necessary, adjust by adding a bit of flour and starch to the mixture or a little milk if it is too firm.
Roll the meatballs, then gently drop them one by one into the pot, cover, and simmer for about 20 minutes. The meatballs should be firm and tender at the same time; they should be able to be cut with a fork.
To finish, serve the meatballs as soon as they are cooked with the hot asparagus cream.
Asparagus cream: Cut the tips off the asparagus, quickly sauté them in a pan and set aside. Coarsely chop the stalks and sauté them for a few minutes in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, a bit of Sichuan pepper, and a clove of garlic. Add water and cream, and cook until the asparagus is tender. Then add the feta and blend until you achieve a creamy texture. Strain the asparagus cream to eliminate any fibers, adjust the seasoning, and set aside.
Spinach asparagus dumplings: Cut the stale bread into small pieces, roughly blend half of this bread with wild garlic and the spinach. Mix the unblended bread with the blended bread mixture and the milk, cover, and let rest for 30 minutes.
Then add the olives and chopped onion, the parmesan, salt, and the egg, mix well, then finish with the flour and cornstarch. Bring the broth to a boil in a large pot. While the water is boiling, prepare a plate with flour for rolling the balls.
Regarding the texture of the mixture, the balls should hold their shape well; they will slightly deflate once formed, but when cooked, they will round out and puff up a bit. It is therefore advisable to do a cooking test and then, if necessary, adjust by adding a bit of flour and starch to the mixture or a little milk if it is too firm.
Roll the meatballs, then gently drop them one by one into the pot, cover, and simmer for about 20 minutes. The meatballs should be firm and tender at the same time; they should be able to be cut with a fork.
To finish, serve the meatballs as soon as they are cooked with the hot asparagus cream.
4 servings
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